World of haiku

creating components to assist budding cybersecurity analysts in their hacking journey


UI/UX Design Intern


3 UI/UX Designers

1 UI/UX Design lead





6 months


During my internship at Haiku Inc, I had the opportunity to work on making changes to the interfaces of two Haiku products: World of Haiku and Haiku Pro. While I participated in multiple design sprints and designed multiple new components, my most significant contributions were the World of Haiku profile share, World of Haiku leaderboard, and World of Haiku game notifications.

design process

my role

where did i fit into the hierachy?

To preface, my design process was not the traditional set up of design research, low-fi, mid-fi, and the rest. Instead, our team worked in week long design sprints. Research had been done prior by a separate team (usually development or user research), and our project manager would delegate tasks in order to fulfill those needs.

about the product

our audience

who and what was i designing for?

Haiku's products were created to make the cybersecurity learning experience more enjoyable by making it into a game. Incorporating cyberpunk and hacking aesthetics, they created the World of Haiku Universe.


"Nothing like a bit of friendly competitiON"

friendly game competition

As World Of Haiku's main appeal consisted of gamifying the Cybersecurity learning, they've been wanting to create a leaderboard to create friendly competition between players. As the universe was also expanding as well, with the creation of Haiku Pro and World, my task was to create a leaderboard that would be able to switch between the various products.

Collecting References

What was our ideal notification format?

Should our

player profile socials card

woah cool card

not just a cybersecurity analyst. a cool cyberpunk one.

World of Haiku prided itself in creating a cyberpunk universe that would create a fun learning environment for players. Part of the fun was being able to choose your 'avatar' and 'faction' that you would represent as you played through the game. There was a growing demand among the player base for a way to share what faction they were repping, so I was tasked on creating a player profile card.

woah cool card

What i made in response

With a focus on customized character, achievements and leaderboard placements, I created a futuristic card that can be shared on multiple platforms.


if an update happens and no one knows about it, did it even happen?

letting users know about cool new game updates

Haiku's products were created to make the cybersecurity learning experience more enjoyable by making it into a game. Incorporating cyberpunk and hacking aesthetics, they created the World of Haiku Universe.

Collecting References

What was our ideal notification format?

Should our

final shots

our audience

who and what was i designing for?

Haiku's products were created to make the cybersecurity learning experience more enjoyable by making it into a game. Incorporating cyberpunk and hacking aesthetics, they created the World of Haiku Universe.

What i learned

growing as a designer

there's always something new to learn

At the beginning of the internship, I thought I knew Figma. Turns out, I didn't even scratch the surface. During my 6 months, I acquired so much new knowledge regarding shortcuts, plugins, and more, making my Figma design sprints more efficient.

designer process

don't expect the design process to be traditional

At the beginning of the internship, I thought I knew Figma. Turns out, I didn't even scratch the surface. During my 6 months, I acquired so much new knowledge regarding shortcuts,

always happy to chat

made with love and a lot of monster energy drinks





Gia Lee © 2024